Daily Devotional for July 31, 2022
A Ready Answer

Amy chatted with her friend Sara as Amy’s dad drove them to a youth banquet at church. It was a dress-up event, and both girls had new outfits for the occasion. “I’m so glad you could come with me tonight,” Amy told Sara. “You look so nice.”
“Thanks—and thanks for inviting me,” said Sara. “I’ve never been to an event at a church before. How come you go all the time?”
“Well, I go to worship God and learn more about Him.” Amy paused, then added, “I’m a Christian—I’ve trusted Jesus to save me, and I love Him.”
“What do you mean—you trusted Him to save you? Save you from what?” asked Sara.
“From sin. We’re all sinners—we’ve all done wrong things,” Amy explained. “But Jesus took the punishment for our sins by dying on the cross.”
Their conversation was interrupted when they arrived at church. The girls waved goodbye to Dad and turned to go up the church steps.
Amy glanced down at her feet and froze. “Sara,” she gasped, “I forgot my shoes! I’ve got my old bedroom slippers on! Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I never noticed,” Sara said. She laughed as she looked at Amy’s bare toes sticking out of fuzzy animal slippers. “They do look pretty funny with that outfit.”
“I’m not going in there like this!” said Amy. She introduced Sara to a friend, then made a quick phone call to her mom and waited at the church door for Dad to bring her good shoes.
“I thought you were wearing just the right shoes,” Dad said when he arrived.
Amy held up the slippers. “You like these silly things?”
Dad laughed. “Oh, I didn’t notice those, but I did notice that you were ready with an answer when Sara questioned you about your faith in Jesus. The Bible calls that having your feet ‘fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.’ In other words, we should always be ready to tell others about the peace and hope we have in Jesus. That’s so much more important than wearing dressy shoes with your new outfit.”
Dad gave Amy a hug. “Have fun tonight,” he said. “We’ll be praying for you and for Sara.”
“Thanks, Dad,” said Amy. “And thanks for bringing my shoes too.”
-Hazel W. Marett
How about you?
Are you ready at any time to share your faith with others? That may mean talking to someone about Jesus. It may mean explaining what you believe or why you do—or don’t do—certain things. Always be prepared to let others know you belong to Jesus and have His peace in your heart—and that they can have it too.
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