Daily Devotional for March 22, 2020
A Protective Love

“Hi, Mom! I want to see Snowball and the kittens,” said Destiny as she came into the house. She had been running up the porch steps so fast she almost fell through the doorway.
“Whoa! Slow down, honey.” Mom laughed as she caught her daughter.
Snowball, Destiny’s cat, had appeared during a winter storm and soon became part of the family. When spring came, Destiny had noticed Snowball getting fatter and fatter. “She’s going to have kittens,” Mom had predicted—and she was right. Four adorable little fur balls now nestled in a box on the back porch.
As Destiny reached into the box, a sharp pain shot through her arm. Then another. Snowball was attacking her, hissing, growling, and scratching! Destiny jumped back in alarm. “Hey, Snowball!” she exclaimed. “What are you doing?”
“Snowball is afraid you’ll hurt the kittens,” said Mom. Destiny dabbed at the little spots of blood on her arm. “You need a bandage on that,” Mom said, and she took Destiny inside to get one.
Looking glum, Destiny went and sat on the couch. “I can’t believe my own cat turned on me! I just wanted to pet the kittens.”
“Snowball will calm down soon,” Mom assured her. “New mothers are protective of their babies. If she thinks something or someone might hurt them, she’s ready to fight to protect them.”
Destiny glanced at her mother. “What would you do, Mom, if someone tried to hurt me?”
Mom bared her teeth. “I would growl and fight and scratch whoever it was!” she replied fiercely. She and Destiny erupted into giggles. “I pray that never happens,” Mom said, “but I guarantee I would fight very long and very hard to keep you safe.”
“I know Dad would too,” said Destiny.
“He sure would,” agreed Mom. “Fathers are protective too. But do you know who’s the most protective of all? It’s God—your heavenly Father. He sent His own Son to die on the cross for your sins so you would be safe with Him forever, and He’s always watching over you.”
Destiny grinned. “I have a lot of protectors, don’t I? I guess I’ll forgive Snowball. She’s just doing what she’s supposed to do.” Amy J. Stoner
How about you?
Do you worry bad things might happen to you? Be thankful for the adults God has provided to protect you. Most of all, thank God for watching over you Himself and for saving you from sin. He loves you more than anyone else does, and He’s caring for you right now. Talk to Him about any fears you have. Ask Him to help you share your fears with trusted adults.
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