Daily Devotional for December 20, 2021
A Powerful Weapon

“It wasn’t my fault, Mom!” Devon exclaimed as they drove home from school. His mom had just picked him up from the principal’s office. “I had no choice! Jared called me a loser. I couldn’t let him talk to me that way! He deserved to be pushed down!”
His mom frowned. “That’s not true, Devon. You can’t keep reacting like this when you get upset. It’s the third time this year.”
When Devon got home, he eagerly sat down to play his favorite video game, Sword Master. He loved it when he captured the crystal sword. It gave him the power to vanquish any enemy.
“Yes!” he shouted when he unlocked the sword and used it to defeat a villain. Only then did he notice his mom watching him over his shoulder.
“That’s an interesting game,” Mom observed. “That sword gives you so much power!”
Devon beamed. “The crystal sword is the best weapon ever!”
“You know, that sword is available to you in real life too,” Mom said with a smile.
Devon paused the game and turned to his mom. “It is?”
“Sure is. The Bible says that God’s Word is sharper than any double-edged sword. It is a powerful weapon we can use to fight against the enemy’s lies because it reminds us that we have the power of the Sword Master.”
Now Devon was really intrigued. “The Sword Master?”
Mom nodded. “In another verse, God’s Word is called the sword of the Spirit. Because we trust in Jesus, we have the power of the Holy Spirit, who opens our eyes to the truth of the Bible and gives us strength to do what it says and choose love over sin.” Mom paused and then said, “Your game has given me an idea. Grab your Bible, some note cards, and a pen.”
Together, Devon and his mom looked up verses about loving your neighbor and controlling anger. Devon wrote them on cards.
Holding up a card, Mom said, “Devon, this is your weapon. It will remind you that, through the Holy Spirit, you have the power to love when you’re tempted to react in an angry, hateful way. Let’s work on memorizing one of these right now.”
“Okay, Mom.” Devon smiled. “I kind of like the idea of having a powerful sword of my own!”
-Laura Kuehn
How about you?
Is there a sin in your life that you’re battling but can’t seem to defeat? Our enemy, Satan, wants us to think we can’t help but give in to sin—but that’s a lie. The Bible says Jesus conquered sin on the cross, and because we trust in Him, sin has no power over us. We don’t have to give in to it, because we’ve been given the power of the Holy Spirit! In your battles against sin, hold tight to the sword of the Spirit—the truth of God’s Word—so you can cut through Satan’s lies.
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