Daily Devotional for January 22, 2019
A Noisy Witness

“Oh no! I forgot to get milk.” Joanna’s mother brought the shopping cart to a halt in the middle of the aisle. “Here, Joanna. Push Emmeline to the front of the store while I run back to get some. I’ll meet you by the registers.”
They started down an aisle and saw an elderly woman rummaging through her purse, looking for something. Suddenly, the woman’s purse slipped out of her hand and coins, coupons, and other items went flying everywhere. Joanna hurried over to help pick up the things.
“Oh, thank you so much!” the woman said when all the items were gathered. “Most young people wouldn’t stop to help an old lady like me. Why did you do it?”
Joanna knew this was a good opportunity to tell the woman she was a Christian, but she was embarrassed. “Uh…I guess I just like to help people,” she managed to say. Then she walked away quickly, pushing her cart in front of her.
Soon little Emmeline got restless. She began singing her favorite song, “Jesus Loves Me.” Louder and louder she sang, “Jesus loves me, dis I know, for da By-bo tell me so!”
Joanna saw that people were looking at them and smiling, and she felt her face turn red. “Hush, Emmeline—don’t be so noisy!” she whispered. But the little girl kept right on singing.
The elderly woman Joanna had helped walked up to her. “I heard what the little one was singing. You must be a Christian!”
“Well, uh…yes, I am,” Joanna mumbled.
The woman smiled. “I thought there was something different about you. My neighbor is a Christian too, and she’s always trying to talk to me about Jesus. I think maybe I’ll listen better next time.”
As the woman walked away, Joanna smiled at her little sister. “Emmeline, you’re a sweetheart! I’ve been wrong to keep quiet about being a Christian. You reminded me how important it is to be a noisy witness for Jesus!” – Sherry L. Kuyt
How about you?
Does it embarrass you to have someone notice that you’re a Christian? Perhaps you’re a silent witness—you try to show others the love of Jesus in the way you treat them. That’s great, but don’t forget that talking is important too. Don’t be ashamed to let others know you belong to Jesus. Your words and your actions might make them want to know Him too.
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