Daily Devotional for January 15, 2022
A New Friend

Carissa had lots of friends. She was probably the most popular girl in the third grade. Ava, on the other hand, didn’t seem to have any friends at all.
Ava was shy and very quiet, and she never seemed to be noticed by anyone. She sat by herself on the bus, she sat by herself at lunch, and she played by herself at recess.
Carissa noticed how alone Ava was and felt badly for her. Surely Ava wasn’t happy always being by herself. Carissa decided that tomorrow on her way to school, she would sit with Ava.
The next morning, Carissa boarded the bus and saw Ava sitting a few seats back. Carissa made her way down the bus aisle and stopped in front of her. “Hi, Ava! Can I sit here?”
Ava looked up with a surprised expression on her face. “Uh…sure,” was all she managed to get out.
Carissa sat down and immediately started a conversation. “What’s your favorite color?” she asked.
“Purple!” Ava answered.
“My favorite color is florescent!”
“Florescent?” Ava asked with a puzzled look on her face.
“Yes, any color that’s florescent—pink, orange, green, yellow!”
The conversation went on from there, and before they knew it, they had arrived at school.
“I hope you’ll sit with us at lunch today,” Carissa said.
Ava smiled. “That would be fun,” she answered.
When Carissa got home that afternoon, she told her mom about Ava and how lonely she had seemed, and how she had decided to talk to her on the bus.
“I remembered what Mrs. Apple told us in Sunday school last week,” Carissa said. “The lesson was on having an attitude like Jesus, who sacrificed Himself for each one of us. We memorized Philippians 2:4—‘Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.’ I thought about how I would have felt if no one spoke to me. I’m glad I talked with Ava today. Now I have a new friend!”
Mom smiled and gave Carissa a hug. “I’m glad Ava has a new friend too.”
Lisa Fuller
How about you?
Did you know there is no better friend than Jesus? He died on the cross for our sins and rose again so we could spend eternity with Him. Have you trusted Him as your Savior and know Him as your friend? If so, you can be the kind of friend He is—one who cares about others and treats them with kindness and love.
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