Daily Devotional for July 12, 2020
A New Family

“It was wonderful seeing you,” Mom told Mrs. Johnson after church. “You have a
lovely week.”
“The Johnsons are nice,” Sean said as he and his family walked outside. “I’m glad they’re back at church.”
Katelyn tugged on Mom’s sleeve. “Where did they get another girl?”
“Yeah, I noticed Mrs. Johnson was carrying a toddler I’ve never seen before when we said hi,” said Josiah. “What’s up with that?”
“The Johnsons adopted a little girl,” said Dad.
“A-dop-ted?” Katelyn repeated. “What’s that?”
“Adoption is when a boy or girl with no mommy or daddy gets a family to raise them,” said Mom.
“What happened to the other mom and dad?” asked Josiah.
“I don’t know. Perhaps they aren’t able to give their child the care she needs,” said Mom. “Situations like that are hard to understand, but God uses adoption to mend children’s lives and bless families.”
“What about Daniel and Lillian?” asked Sean. “The Johnsons had them first.”
“Daniel and Lillian have a new sister to love and care for,” said Mom.
“That sounds fun,” said Katelyn.
“Mom, why did the Johnsons adopt?” asked Josiah.
Mom thought for a moment. “Adoption isn’t easy. But they did it because God led them to help a child who needed a home.”
Dad nodded. “Mr. Johnson reminded me how God adopted us.”
“Wait, God adopts people?” asked Sean.
“Yes,” said Dad. “The Bible says God wanted us to be His children, so He adopted us through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus.”
“So, Jesus died and rose again so we could be part of God’s family?” asked Josiah.
“That’s right,” said Mom. “When we trust in Jesus, we’re adopted into His family. Isn’t that amazing?”
“Wait!” shouted Katelyn. “That means the Johnsons, and Mom and Dad, and my brothers, and me, and everyone in our church is adopted!”
Dad laughed. “Yes! And the best part about being in God’s family is that He wants to adopt everyone as His sons and daughters. We can show others how they can be part of God’s family too.” • Julie Potter
How about you?
Did you know that, if you trust Jesus as your Savior, God has adopted you as His child? He loves you more than you can even comprehend. Every blessing in life is His gift to you. No matter what you do, He will never let go of you. You are part of His family, loved and chosen by Him.
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