Daily Devotional for September 26, 2018

A-maze-ing View

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
A-maze-ing View

Today's Verse

Proverbs 3:5-6; Romans 11:33-36 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

“I think we’re going in circles,” Troy said as he and his dad and sister tried to make their way out of a corn maze. “I think we’ve been down this path before.”

“How can you tell?” Elinor asked. She looked up at corn stalks that were twice as tall as she was. “Everything looks the same. Do you know the way out, Dad?”

Dad laughed. “At the moment, I’m not quite sure.”

“Hey, look!” shouted Troy. “There’s a platform-thing. We can climb up there and see where we are!” Sure enough, in the middle of the path was a high platform.

Troy and Elinor ran up the steps, and Dad followed them. Standing above the stalks, they could see the whole field. Elinor pointed. “There’s the orange flag at the end of the maze. We gotta go that way!”

“And look how far we’ve come,” said Troy. “With this a-maze-ing view we can see we’re not going in circles after all.” They laughed at Troy’s joke.

When they had found their way out of the maze, Dad bought warm cinnamon doughnuts and hot apple cider. They settled down on hay bales to enjoy their snack. “Dad,” Troy said after taking a few bites, “why do you think God is having us move to another state for your job? I like it here!”

“Yeah,” said Elinor after a sip of cider. “We have so many friends here—and we like our church so much! Why would God want us to move?”

“I don’t know why God planned this for us,” Dad replied. “We don’t always understand the way He leads, but you know what?” He paused. “Our lives are something like a corn maze. Remember when we stood on that platform? We saw the whole maze—where we had been and where we needed to go. That’s how God sees us—He has an a-maze-ing view too! He sees our lives from beginning to end. The way God leads us may not make sense to us, but He has a different view.”

“I guess that’s why He tells us to trust Him,” said Troy.

“Exactly,” said Dad. “We don’t see all that will happen, but God does. We can trust Him and accept this move as part of His plan for our family.” – Jennifer Quackenbush

How about you?

Is there something in your life that doesn’t make sense to you right now? Do you feel all alone? Turn to Jesus for comfort and peace. You may not understand the things that are happening, but He does. He sees things more clearly than you do, and He’s working in your life. He knows what’s best for you and will be with you no matter what. You can trust Him.

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