Daily Devotional for February 1, 2020

A Long Wait

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
A Long Wait

Today's Verse

Psalm 37:3-8 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

“Oh no!” exclaimed Isla as the railroad crossing arms came down and a very slow-moving train began passing by on the tracks in front of them.

“Looks like we’ll be sitting here for a while,” said Mom, and she turned off the car engine.

Isla sighed and watched the train as car after car rattled past. “I don’t think this train will ever end.”

“Really? You mean we’ll be stuck here forever?” Mom teased. “Dad will miss us, don’t you think?”

Isla grinned. “I think he must miss us already, and I miss him too. It’s been two whole months since he moved to Newton for his new job.” She sighed. “Do you think our house is ever going to sell so we can move too?”

“It will sell sooner or later,” Mom replied. “We need to be patient.”

“But it seems to be taking forever—just like this train!”

“Well, every train has an end,” said Mom, “and so does every problem.” Just then a bright flash of blue darted past the windshield. A bird perched high up on a wire. “Look—a bluebird!” Mom said. “Maybe he can see the end of this train already, just like God can see the end of our problem. God knows exactly when our house will sell. We just have to trust Him and wait.”

“I don’t like waiting,” said Isla.

“No one does,” replied Mom, “but do you know what makes it harder?”

“No. What?”

“Impatience. Instead of sitting here thinking how much we hate waiting for this train, let’s sing about what Jesus did to save us and His promise to make everything right one day. How about ‘Lord, I Lift Your Name on High’? Do you remember the motions to that one?”

“Sure do,” said Isla, and they did the motions as they sang the song.

“I remember learning the motions to that song when I was your age,” said Mom.

Isla laughed. “That was a looong time ago.”

Just then, the last car of the train rumbled by. “That didn’t take so long after all,” Isla said. “I’ll remember to be patient and trust Jesus while we wait for our house to sell too.” Miriam K. Nowak

How about you?

Do you wait patiently for God to work things out? Being impatient won’t make problems go away any faster, but it will make you miserable. Remember that every problem has an end and that Jesus knows just when that end will come—even if it’s not until He comes back and makes everything right. Trust Him and be patient. He’s always with you and will help you through all of your problems—big or small.

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