Daily Devotional for August 13, 2018
A Living Witness

Kinsley got home from camp just as her family was sitting down to eat. “I’m so glad Aisha invited me to spend a week at camp with her,” she said as she slid into her seat. “It was great. And guess what? I became a Christian!”
“So what, you think you’re better than us now?” her sister asked. “We’re not bad people, are we, Dad?”
“Of course not,” Dad answered. He looked annoyed.
Kinsley started to reply, but then she noticed the others were beginning to eat. “Don’t eat!” she said. “We have to pray first and thank God for the food!”
“It’s fine if you want to be religious, Kinsley,” Dad said, “but you should really be thanking me and Mom for the food. We’re the ones who bought it and cooked it. Now, let’s eat.”
That evening, Mom mentioned the family reunion that was coming up on Sunday. “I can’t go,” Kinsley said. “I’m going to church. I don’t want to miss it for a stupid family reunion!”
“If your new religion means insulting your family and calling them stupid, we don’t want to hear any more about it!” Dad said.
When Kinsley told her friend Aisha what had happened, Aisha suggested they ask her Sunday school teacher what Kinsley should do.
“It’s great that you want to tell your family about your new faith,” Mrs. West said when the girls explained the problem, “but witnessing—that is, sharing Jesus with others—involves more than talking. You must also be a living witness. Don’t try to change people, but let your actions and attitude show them how Jesus has changed you.”
“I think I get it,” Kinsley said after they talked about it some more, and in the following weeks, she found many opportunities to be a living witness. She helped around the house and avoided getting into fights. And when she messed up, she apologized.
“Can I come to church with you this week?” her sister asked after Kinsley helped her with a school project one evening. “I want to see what your religion is all about. It sure has changed you.”
Kinsley smiled and was surprised to see Dad smiling too. Thank You, Jesus, she prayed silently. Thank You. – Jan L. Hansen
How about you?
Do you witness through both your words and your actions? It’s good to tell others what Jesus has done for you, but no one will believe your words if your actions don’t back them up. Show others how He’s changed you by treating them with kindness and grace and putting them ahead of yourself. Trust Him to help you be a living witness in everything you do and say.
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