Daily Devotional for September 8, 2021
A Life Worth Living
Editor’s note: This story addresses suicide and may not be suitable for young children.
Noah heard Jordan sigh when Miss Volf handed back his science test. “School stinks!” Jordan declared. “I hate tests! I think I’ll just kill myself.”
Noah gave him a worried look. “Come on, it can’t be that bad.”
“But it is,” Jordan insisted. “I got an F.”
As the class headed to the cafeteria for lunch, Noah had a nervous, jumpy feeling inside. He couldn’t stop thinking about what Jordan had said. He probably didn’t mean it, Noah thought. It’s not that big a deal. But he couldn’t get Jordan’s words out of his mind. “Please help me do the right thing, Jesus,” Noah prayed. “Do I need to tell someone about what he said?”
Later, during quiet reading time, Noah went up to Miss Volf’s desk. “I need to tell you something,” he said. Miss Volf listened as Noah told her what Jordan had said.
“You did the right thing telling me, Noah,” said Miss Volf. “I will let our school counselor know, and we will decide what to do.” Noah returned to his seat, feeling relieved.
That evening, Noah’s parents called him to the kitchen. “Miss Volf just called,” Mom said. “The school and Jordan’s parents are very thankful you cared enough to say something to your teacher. They will make sure he gets help.”
“Good,” said Noah. “I wasn’t sure if he was joking, but it didn’t seem like something he should joke about.”
“It’s not,” said Dad. “Suicide is very serious. A kid who talks about taking their own life, even in a joking manner, may be going through difficult things and need help.”
“Can I invite Jordan over sometime?” asked Noah. “I think he could use a friend. He usually plays by himself and never seems very happy. Maybe I’ll have a chance to tell him Jesus wants to be his friend too.”
“That’s a great idea,” Dad said. “Jesus understands what Jordan is going through. He died on the cross and then rose again to give him hope. He wants to help Jordan handle whatever is hard for him. Why don’t we pray for Jordan right now?” Noah nodded, and they all bowed their heads. “Jesus,” Dad prayed, “please let Jordan know You love him and that his life is worth living. Help Noah know how to be a good friend to him. Amen.” -Ruth Hochstetler
How about you?
Do you ever see kids who seem sad or upset? Have you even heard them say life isn’t worth living? Suicide is no joking matter, and it’s important to speak up if you or someone you know is having thoughts like that. Tell an adult if someone says something that concerns you. Bring hope to those who are hurting by getting them the help they need and pointing them to Jesus.
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