Daily Devotional for June 29, 2019
A Lesson in Sacrifice

“Are you ready?” Uncle Rick shouted over the sound of the boat’s motor.
“All ready!” Alex and Susan responded in unison.
As they slowly moved forward, the long rope connecting Alex and Susan’s tube to the back of the boat began to tighten, and so did their stomachs. This was their first time tubing on the lake, and as the boat accelerated, their excitement was matched only by their fear.
“Whoo-hoo!” Alex shouted as their craft skidded across the open water.
Susan, however, did not say anything as she clutched tightly to the handles of the tube. Alex sensed that his younger sister was growing more frightened by the second. Soon, Susan confirmed it.
“Make it stop,” she begged, her voice quavering, partially from the cold but mostly from fear.
Alex waved at Uncle Rick, their signal to stop the boat.
“He doesn’t see me!” Alex yelled to Susan.
“What are we going to do?” Susan asked.
Alex knew what he had to do. Taking a deep breath of air, he let go of the tube’s handles and plunged into the water. As he surfaced, Alex was relieved to see Susan still sitting on top of the tube as Uncle Rick brought the boat to a stop.
Back in the safety of the boat, Susan sat next to Alex. “I know that you fell off the tube on purpose,” she said. “That was really kind.”
“Ah, it was nothin’,” Alex said, drying his wet hair.
“But it meant everything to me,” Susan replied. “What you did was a lot like what Jesus did for us. He made a huge sacrifice to rescue us from our sin by coming to earth and dying on the cross.”
“I guess you’re right about that,” said Alex. “I know I could never do what Jesus did, but I can demonstrate His love in smaller ways.”
“Yeah,” Susan said. “Like falling into the water so I wouldn’t!” •Chuck Kralik
How about you?
Do you make sacrifices for others? Even when you make a small sacrifice for someone else, you’re pointing them to the great sacrifice Jesus made for us. He died on a cross to take away your sin and give you eternal life with Him. What are some ways you can show His sacrificial love to others?
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