Daily Devotional for August 3, 2018
A Hospital Visit

“Hi, Jayden,” Anna said as she came into his hospital room. He had been injured and had undergone knee surgery the day before. “I brought you these.” Anna handed Jayden a bunch of flowers.
“Achoo! Thanks, Anna. Achoo!” Jayden held the flowers away from his nose. “They’re nice, but I think I’m allergic to them.”
“Well, I’m glad it’s only the flowers making you sneeze,” Anna said as she carried them to the other side of the room. “I was afraid you had a cold. My mom knew a lady who caught a cold in the hospital, and she died of pneumonia. There are all kinds of germs in a hospital, you know. You could catch almost anything here.” Anna peered at him. “You don’t look so good.”
“I’m fine,” said Jayden. “I don’t have much pain at all.”
“That’s because the doctor gives you pills, not because you’re better,” Anna told him. “You could be dying, for all you know. My mom says doctors never tell you anything. Too bad you won’t be able to play football this year. Dad says you’ll probably never be able to play football again.” She shook her head sadly.
“Oh yes, he will!” came a voice from the door. Jayden’s friend Amir came in. “Hey, Jayden,” he said. “You look great!” He handed Jayden a gift. “It’s from our class at church. Open it!”
Jayden tore off the wrapping paper. “A joke book!” He grinned. “Tell them thanks.”
Anna glanced at the clock. “I’ve gotta get going because my mom is waiting downstairs, but I wanted to drop in and cheer you up a bit. Take care now. I’ll close the door as I leave. Maybe that will keep some of the germs out.”
Amir laughed after she left. “I don’t know what all she told you, but I doubt it cheered you up much.”
Jayden shrugged. “I know she means well.”
Amir nodded. “Well, I hope you’re back on your feet soon. Mr. Grant wanted me to let you know our class is praying for you. I even put a sticky note on my bathroom mirror so I’d remember to pray for you each morning.”
Jayden smiled. “Thanks, Amir. That definitely cheers me up!” – Harry C. Trover
How about you?
Do you know someone who is sick? It can be scary to be in the hospital, but you can make people feel better by encouraging them and letting them know you’re praying for them. Listen to them if they want to talk about their troubles or fears, but also remind them that Jesus loves them and is in control of their situation. Cheer them up by reminding them how much you and God care for them.
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