Daily Devotional for September 12, 2018
A Heart Full of Weeds

Jackson stepped off the bus and walked toward Dad.
“How was your day?” Dad asked as they began walking home.
Jackson shrugged. “It was all right,” he said quietly.
“Something wrong?” asked Dad.
Jackson kicked at a rock on the sidewalk and shoved his hands into his pockets. He was embarrassed to talk about what had happened, but he knew he could trust Dad. “That older kid pushed me around again,” he said. “He’s picked me to bully instead of the other kids.”
“What did you do?” asked Dad as they turned a corner and walked down the gravel road toward their house.
“Yelled a lot, but that didn’t do much,” answered Jackson. “I want to get back at him for embarrassing me in front of my friends.”
As they approached their driveway, Dad pointed to the field next door.
“Jackson, do you see how nobody cares for that field? Weeds have taken over because nobody has done anything to prevent them from growing where the grass should grow.”
“Yeah, I never want to play over there because the weeds get in the way.”
“Well, weeds and revenge are kind of similar. Wanting to get revenge on someone is a sign that bitter weeds are growing in your heart. And when you’re filled with bitterness, it keeps you from being able to forgive.”
“But I don’t want to forgive him,” Jackson said, clenching his fists. “I want him to pay for what he did!”
“Did Jesus make you pay for all the bad things you’ve done?” Dad asked. “He forgave us for our sins, and He says we need to forgive others too. It’s not easy, but He’ll help you. He can get rid of the nasty weeds of bitterness growing in your heart.”
Dad put his hand on Jackson’s shoulder. “I’ll talk to someone at the school about the kid who’s been bothering you. But don’t let anger and bitterness take over and keep you from forgiving him. Ask Jesus to clear away the weeds in your heart so you can forgive others the way He’s forgiven you.”
Jackson knew Dad was right. As hard as it would be for him to forgive this bully, he didn’t want a heart full of weeds. – Emily Saxe
How about you?
Have you been bullied? Have you forgiven that person, or are you still angry? Jesus died on the cross so you could be forgiven for every one of your sins, and He will give you that same power so you can forgive others. Forgiving means putting the wrong that person did in God’s hands and depending on Him to help you love them instead. Who can you forgive today?
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