Daily Devotional for June 30, 2023
A Handful of Rice

“I know we’re supposed to share the good news of Jesus with people wherever we are, like Pastor Bowers said today,” Braden told his mom. “But it’s too hard to do that in my class at school.”
“Why do you say that?” asked Mom, scooping up some rice.
“Well, there are thirty kids in my class, and as far as I know, Flynn and I are the only Christians. What can just two of us do?” Braden broke off and sniffed appreciatively. “What’s cooking?”
“Chicken curry,” said Mom.
Braden frowned. “I don’t remember having it before. Do I like it?”
“I think you’ll like it,” said Mom. “Aunt Alicia and Uncle Jeff are coming over for lunch. We’re having chicken curry and rice.” She put rice in a pan and added water.
Braden looked at the small grains that lay at the bottom of the pan. “That won’t be enough rice to feed everybody!” he said. “Uncle Jeff eats lots, and I do too. I know I like rice.” He was hungry and didn’t want to run out of food.
“It will be plenty,” Mom assured him. “You’ll see.”
When Mom called Braden to come in for lunch, he decided to check the rice. He lifted the lid of the pan and peeked inside. “Wow!” he said in surprise. “I knew rice swelled when it was cooked, but I didn’t think it would make that much!” Braden eyed his mom suspiciously. “Did you add more rice after I went outside?”
Mom smiled. “Of course not. A small amount of rice can feed quite a few people.”
“Yeah, I guess so!” said Braden. “It’s like Jesus feeding all those people with five loaves of bread and two fish.”
“Not quite!” Mom said, laughing. “But I think you and Flynn can be like rice.”
“Like rice?” Braden repeated. “What do you mean?”
“A small amount of rice, after it’s boiled, fills a whole pan,” Mom explained. “Don’t you think a couple of Christians, filled and boiling over with the Holy Spirit, can reach out to a whole classroom of kids who need to know Jesus loves them?”
“Oh,” said Braden. He smiled. “Yeah, I guess they could.”
-Tanya Ferdinandusz
How about you?
Do you sometimes think there’s nothing you can do to help more people know about Jesus? Do you feel like you’re too small, too young, too shy, or too badly outnumbered to make a difference? Remember, if Jesus could use one boy’s lunch of five loaves and two small fish to feed more than five thousand people, He can also use kids today to reach people with the good news of the gospel. Trust Him to help you reach out and share His love with others.
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