Daily Devotional for February 16, 2021
A Hairy Decision

Megan sat in the hairdresser’s chair. Sharon, her mom’s stylist, smiled and wrapped a cape over Megan’s shoulders. “What are we doing today, Megan?”
“I want to donate my hair to help make a wig for a kid with cancer,” Megan replied.
Sharon looked at Megan and her mom. “You’ve been growing out your hair for a long time. Are you positive this is what you want to do?”
Megan nodded. “Kelcey, my best friend, has cancer. During her treatments she’ll lose all her hair, but she’ll get a wig to wear while her hair grows back. Her mom said some charities provide free wigs to kids who lose their hair during cancer treatments. I know there’s not enough time for Kelcey to get my hair, but some other kid will someday.”
“What a blessing you’re giving someone,” Sharon said. “How short do you want your hair?”
“Shoulder length would be okay,” Megan said.
“You need at least twelve inches to donate. It looks close, but we must be sure.”
Sharon measured. Megan’s hair was one inch too short to keep her hair shoulder length.
“What do you want to do, Megan?” Mom asked.
Megan stared at the mirror. She took a deep breath. “I could wait and let my hair grow a little longer.” She paused. “But I won’t. Cut my hair as short as you need to so I can donate it now.”
Sharon washed, dried, remeasured, and cut ponytails of Megan’s hair. They carefully wrapped the hair in tissue paper and prepared it for donating.
“Before we send my hair away, I want to pray for the child who will wear the wig with my hair in it,” Megan said.
“Great idea,” Sharon said.
They all put their hands on the package and prayed together. Then Sharon got busy on Megan’s new hairstyle.
Megan spun the chair around and looked at her new hairdo in the mirrors. “I love it! And even more, I love that my hair will help someone in need.”
Mom nodded. “What you’ve done reminds me of what Jesus did for us. He sacrificed Himself to make us whole, and when a child facing cancer gets the wig with your hair, I’m sure they’ll feel a little more whole too.” • Lynda Boucher
How about you?
Have you helped someone who had a need? Maybe it was simply lending a classmate a pencil in school. Or perhaps it was something bigger that required more sacrifice. Whatever it was, your willingness to give up your time, money, or something else you possessed to help someone in need showed them the love of Jesus. How can you be a blessing to someone today?
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