Daily Devotional for December 8, 2020
A Great and Marvelous Thing

“Alison, would you be willing to share your testimony with the rest of the group next week?” Mr. Hilton asked after the Bible club meeting.
“Oh, I don’t know,” Alison said. “I don’t really have anything to share. I mean, when people give testimonies, they tell about all the bad things they did before they were saved. They have a lot to thank Jesus for since He saved them from all that stuff.” Alison sighed. “I didn’t do a lot of bad things before I was saved, so what would I talk about?”
Mr. Hilton smiled at her. “What bad things do you wish you had done?” he asked.
Alison looked surprised. “None!” she exclaimed. “But when that speaker who used to be a professional football player came to talk to us, he told about his life as a drug addict before he was saved. And a woman who shared her testimony in church said she was going to take her own life when a friend came to her house and told her about Jesus. I’m glad I never did any stuff like that, but I don’t have any interesting things to talk about.”
“Alison, you have just as much to thank God for as any of the people you’ve heard giving testimonies,” said Mr. Hilton. “Jesus did a great and marvelous thing for you, just like He did for them. Even though your experience wasn’t anything like theirs, you were once just as sinful as they were and headed down a path to destruction. But Jesus saved you from sin and gave you a new life! Isn’t that worth talking about?”
“Yes,” Alison said hesitantly. “But…won’t that be boring?”
“I don’t think so,” said Mr. Hilton. “Other kids may also think their testimony isn’t worth sharing. Hearing what you have to say may help them realize how much Jesus has done for them. Sometimes God works in dramatic ways like in those testimonies you heard. Other times He changes hearts quietly, but that doesn’t make it any less amazing. Your testimony isn’t about you as much as it is about Him.”
“Well…” Alison hesitated. “Okay. Plan on my testimony next week. I want to share with everyone the amazing thing Jesus has done for me.” • Raelene E. Phillips
How about you?
Does it seem like your testimony—the story of how you came to know Jesus as your Savior—isn’t all that exciting? It is. Like everyone else, you were born a sinner, and He saved you from sin and has given you eternal life! What’s more exciting than that? Whether you tell just one person or a whole auditorium, let your story be a testimony to the great and marvelous thing He’s done for you.
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