Daily Devotional for September 1, 2019
A Good Soaking

Everly sat at the dinner table and picked at her food. Even the brownies, her favorite dessert, didn’t interest her. “Not hungry?” asked Mom.
Everly shook her head. “I’ll have a brownie later,” she said glumly.
After dinner, Everly silently loaded plates into the dishwasher. “What’s the matter, honey?” Mom asked as she handed Everly an empty pan to wash.
“It’s Abby!” exclaimed Everly. “I’m so mad at her! We always walk home from school together, but today I didn’t get out right away because I had to talk with Mrs. Williamson after class, and Abby left with another group of friends.”
“Well, maybe she wasn’t sure where you were and had to get home,” said Mom.
“I doubt that! I think she wanted to remind me that she has lots of friends and doesn’t care enough to wait around for me. I’m going to call her tonight and tell her I’m not coming to her stupid birthday party.”
Mom watched Everly scrubbing a pan the casserole had baked in. “Why don’t you let that soak in soapy water till morning?” she suggested. “All those places where the food stuck and baked on tight will come off easily then.” She looked at Everly and added, “I think you should let your anger soak too. Why don’t you wait until tomorrow to tell Abby you’re not going to her party? Pray about it and see how you feel in the morning. Ask Jesus to help you handle it the way He would.” Everly looked doubtful, but she agreed to wait.
When Everly washed the casserole pan the next morning, she grinned at her mother. “You’re right—this is easy to clean now.”
“Good,” said Mom. “And how about your situation with Abby?”
“Well, I’m still not very happy she left without me, but I can’t really believe she did it just to hurt me, so I guess you were right about that too. I’m glad I didn’t call her.”
Mom nodded. “Any time you feel angry, remember that pan and let your anger soak with prayer before you say things you don’t mean. Jesus is always patient and loving with us when we make mistakes, and He’ll help you handle problems with others in the same way.” Karen E. Cogan
How about you?
What do you do when you’re angry with someone? Do you sound off and angrily tell that person what you think? Today’s Bible reading has a lot to say about anger. It reminds us how those who have been saved by Jesus should treat others when they hurt us. When you feel angry, go to Jesus in prayer and look to Him for guidance in how to handle the problem.
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