Daily Devotional for April 14, 2017
A Good Friday Lesson

Anisa leaned out the car window to watch a line of people walking along the side of the road. Accompanied by a police escort, a large number of children and adults followed a man who was dressed to look the way Jesus did in pictures. The man was wearing what looked like a crown of thorns, and he was carrying a large cross on his back. “One of the local churches must be reenacting what happened on Good Friday many years ago,” Mom said as she slowed the car at the policeman’s signal.
Anisa looked away. She didn’t want to think about what really happened—how Jesus had suffered when He went to the cross to die for sinners. But she looked back when she heard the loud voice of a man in another car.
“Hey!” the man hollered. “You’re nuts!” He honked his horn and then hollered some more. The man portraying Jesus didn’t even look up. He and the crowd of followers continued their solemn journey.
“That guy wasn’t very nice!” Anisa remarked.
“No, but that kind of thing—and much worse—happened when Jesus was crucified,” said Mom. “People mocked Him, but Jesus kept on going too. He was committed to doing the will of His Father.”
“That must have been hard,” said Anisa.
Mom nodded. “Christians today might get teased and mocked when they stand up for what is right,” she said. “If that happens to us, we need to look to Jesus to give us the strength to keep going on and doing God’s will, just like He did.”
“I know.” Anisa sighed. “Sometimes I feel like going along with other kids and doing things even when I know they’re wrong,” she admitted. “But being left out or putting up with mean things they say doesn’t amount to much compared to what Jesus went through for me, does it?”
“No, it doesn’t,” said Mom. “Jesus took up His cross, and He tells each of us to do the same. That means being willing to give up whatever is necessary to live the way He wants us to—from what others think of us to our very lives. Nothing should hold us back from doing what God wants us to do.” – Nance E. Keyes
How about you?
Are you ever teased or rejected because of what you believe? Jesus understands. He suffered that kind of rejection too. He was scorned and mocked and even spit on. He suffered real, deep pain when He took the punishment you deserve. Be sure to thank Him, and ask Him to help you do the right thing, no matter what anyone else says or does.
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