Daily Devotional for June 22, 2021
A Good Fisherman

Owen looked up from his fishing tackle box and saw his friend Caleb coming up the driveway. They were going fishing that afternoon.
“Hi, Caleb,” Owen said. “Just checking to make sure all the lures and hooks are in order. I already checked my rod and dug up a bunch of worms. Mom fixed a lunch for us, so let’s go!”
Owen’s thoroughness in preparing paid off. He almost always came home with a string of fish, and that day was no exception. But when Owen entered the house, his mom noticed he was unusually quiet. “Is something wrong?” she asked.
“Well, when Caleb and I were eating the lunch you sent with us, he asked me why I always bow my head and close my eyes for a few seconds before I eat,” replied Owen. “I told him I was praying, and he asked why.”
“And what did you tell him?” asked Mom.
“I told him I was thanking God for our food. Then Caleb asked me about God and church and all sorts of things, and I didn’t know what to say! I never thought about how to explain why we go to church or how I know God loves me. I just know, that’s all!” Owen was obviously feeling frustrated.
“I see.” Mom was thoughtful. “Do you know what it means to be a fisher of people?” she asked.
“Sure,” Owen answered. “It means bringing others to Jesus. We talked about that in Sunday school.”
“Before you go fishing for fish, you always check your rod and tackle and, in general, prepare carefully,” said Mom. “We need to prepare to fish for people too.”
“How do I do that?” Owen asked.
“Well, let’s talk about the things Caleb asked you,” said Mom. “Thinking through them will help you figure out how to explain God’s love for us and why Jesus died on the cross for our sins.”
“Okay,” said Owen. “Should we look up Bible verses about it too?”
“Yes, we should. Becoming familiar with God’s Word is part of preparing to be a fisher of people. So let’s prepare, and then when the chance comes, you’ll be ready with an answer for Caleb—or for anyone else who asks.”
-Deborah S. Marett
How about you?
What will you say if you’re asked why you believe in Jesus? Or why you go to church or read the Bible? Being familiar with your Bible and knowing where to locate verses about Jesus and what He did to save us will help prepare you for unexpected questions. It will help you become an effective fisher of people—one who can introduce friends to the love and grace of Jesus.
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