Daily Devotional for October 8, 2017
A Good Ending

“Why does Grandpa have to hurt so much?” Bryan asked his dad as they left the nursing home one afternoon.
“I don’t know, Bryan,” Dad answered. “It’s hard to see Grandpa the way he is now, isn’t it?” They were silent as they walked out to the car and got in. “How about a hike up Squaw Peak tomorrow?” Dad asked.
Bryan’s eyes lit up. “Okay!” he said. “I’ve been wanting to do that.”
Less than halfway up the mountain the next day, Bryan began to struggle to keep up with Dad. Whatever made me think it would be fun to climb Squaw Peak? he wondered. When he heard Dad say, “Time for a break,” Bryan sighed in relief.
“Ready to go again?” Dad asked after the break. Bryan hesitated, trying to decide if he should suggest they go back down. Dad ruffled Bryan’s hair. “You’re not going to quit on me now, are ya, buddy? When we get to the top, you’ll see the hard climb was totally worth it.” Bryan wasn’t so sure about that, but he nodded and trudged up the mountain after his dad.
When they finally reached the top, they could see the whole city below, surrounded by hills and desert. A sense of wonder came over Bryan. “You were right!” he said. “This is awesome!”
Soon they found a nice spot to spread out their picnic lunch. “Being up here is totally worth the hard climb, just like you said,” Bryan told his dad as he sipped from a can of lemonade.
Dad took a bite of his sandwich and nodded. “I’ve been thinking,” he said. “Our climb up here was hard, but it had a good ending. What’s happening to Grandpa is something like climbing this mountain.”
“How so?” asked Bryan.
“Our world is cursed by sin—it’s what causes things like death and Grandpa’s illness. But when Jesus returns, He’s going to make all things new. Christians will have perfect, sin-free bodies, and we’ll live with Jesus in a new, beautiful world where there won’t be any death or suffering. Our lives now are hard—just like climbing this mountain was hard. But like the view after the hike, it’s totally worth it because of Jesus.” – Esther M. Bailey
How about you?
Have you struggled with having a friend or family member die? Do you wonder why people have to suffer through sickness and pain? People go through many different kinds of struggles in life, and it’s hard to understand why. But for those who trust in Jesus, our pain and struggles on earth will end when Jesus comes back and makes everything new. Then we’ll be free from pain, sin, and death, and we’ll live with Him forever!
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