Daily Devotional for September 28, 2022
A Friend to Count On

“Elena, wait a minute!” Hearing someone calling to her just as she was about to walk out to the bus, Elena paused.
Riley, a friend from school who had recently started attending Elena’s church, approached her. “Can you help with the fall cleanup at church on Saturday?” she asked. “My family signed up to help, but no other kids I know are coming. It’d be really nice to have a friend there!”
“This Saturday?” asked Elena. “Um…I think my family might be out of town.” She knew that wasn’t likely, but she didn’t want to spend her Saturday raking leaves.
Two days later, Elena walked into the kitchen as she talked on the phone. “Please, Nora,” she said. “I need someone to quiz me…” She paused. “Okay, fine! Goodbye!”
“What’s wrong, honey?” asked Mom.
“It’s Nora!” Elena plopped down into a chair. “I spent two whole hours helping her study for her English test.” Elena held up two fingers. “Two hours!” she repeated. “But when I asked her to help me with my science test, you know what she said? ‘No way! I hate science!’” Elena scowled. “Nora’s supposed to be my friend.”
“I can understand how you feel,” said Mom. “It hurts when we give our time and energy to help a friend but they won’t return the favor. Let this be a reminder to be a faithful friend yourself—a friend like Jesus, who sacrificed so much when He became human and died for our sins so we could be His friends forever. Like Him, we should be willing to make sacrifices in our friendships too.”
As Mom spoke, Elena remembered how Riley had asked her to come to the fall cleanup that weekend. Riley’s always been a good friend to me, but I wasn’t there for her when she needed a friend, Elena thought. I wasn’t willing to sacrifice my Saturday for her.
Elena got up. “I’ve got to call Riley,” she said. “She asked me to help with the fall cleanup at church on Saturday, and I want to tell her I can be there after all.”
-Beth Ingram
How about you?
Are you a good friend to others—a friend like Jesus? Are you willing to make sacrifices when your friends ask for help? Or do you put yourself and your own needs first? Jesus sacrificed His life so we could be His friends and have eternal life with Him. He is always faithful and available to help you when you need Him. As His friends, we should imitate His love in our friendships with others. Be the kind of friend He is—one your friends can count on.
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