Daily Devotional for December 31, 2023
A Fresh Start

Mitchell sat on his bed looking out the window. Tomorrow was the start of a new year, but he wasn’t all that excited about it. He liked things the way they were, and he didn’t want anything to change.
“What’s up, Mitchell?” Mom asked as she walked into his room.
Mitchell sighed. “Everyone’s talking about how the new year gives us a chance to change things and start something new, but I like things the way they are. What if I don’t want the new year to start?”
Mom sat down next to him. “You know, Mitchell, lots of people do look at the new year as a time to have a fresh start, but the truth is that God gives us a fresh start every day. Each morning when you wake up is a new day. Don’t let the day on the calendar concern you—it’s just another day the Lord has given you to grow and learn and love. Each morning is a clean slate. It’s pretty exciting, really.”
Mom reached for the Bible sitting on Mitchell’s dresser. She opened it up to the book of Lamentations and read, “The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.” Mom smiled at Mitchell. “God is faithful and full of mercy. Jesus offers us forgiveness and a fresh start whenever we need it, and He’s always bringing new things into our lives that will help us grow. So even though some things might change in the next year, you don’t need to worry. Even though you can’t keep every day or every year the same, you can rest in the assurance that God is faithful and is always with you.”
Mitchell grinned. “I guess nothing is really ending at all. Tomorrow is just another day I can use for God.”
“Exactly,” said Mom. “Would you like to pray?”
Mitchell nodded and closed his eyes. “Dear Lord, help me remember that every day You give me is a great adventure, a fresh start, and that I don’t need to worry about what might change. Help me live each day for you. Amen!”
– Lisa Fuller
How about you?
Isn’t it wonderful to know that the Lord gives us a fresh start each morning? Each new day is a great adventure we can go on with Him. It’s another day to rejoice and be glad for His love and faithfulness. Sometimes we may think we want things to stay exactly the same, but if they did, we would miss out on all the Lord has planned for us. As you begin the new year, remember that Jesus will be with you through whatever changes it may bring.
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