Daily Devotional for September 20, 2021
A Bird Named Witness

“Hazel, would you please fill the bird feeder?” asked Mom as she peeled potatoes for dinner. “I noticed it was empty earlier.”
Hazel took the bag of birdseed from under the counter and went outside to the patio. As she carefully poured the seed into the feeder, she noticed her mother watching her. After Hazel went back inside, Mom continued to look out the window for several minutes.
“Are you waiting for all the birds to come get their dinner?” Hazel asked, glancing at the feeder.
“Well, yes, in a way,” replied Mom. “Actually, I’m looking for one particular bird right now.”
“One bird?” asked Hazel. “He must be special if all that food is for him!”
“Oh, I’m hoping for a whole flock,” said Mom. “But right now, I’m just watching for a bird I call Witness. Look! Here he comes now!” A little brown sparrow landed on the edge of the feeder and was soon busily pecking at the seeds.
“That’s Witness?” asked Hazel. “What a funny name! Why do you call him that?”
Mom laughed. “The last few days, I’ve noticed that only one bird shows up when I first fill the feeder. He eats a little and then flies away. A little later, many more birds come to eat.” Mom shrugged. “I like to imagine this little bird goes back to his family and friends and tells them the good news that there’s food here.”
Hazel grinned. “And that’s why you named him Witness.”
Mom nodded. “He reminds me that we are witnesses too. We have the good news of Jesus—the Bread of Life—who died and rose again to save us from sin, and we share that news with others through our words and our lives.” Mom pointed as the little sparrow flitted away. “See—there he goes now.”
Hazel nodded. Then she had another thought. “How do you know it’s the same bird that comes first every day?” she asked. “Maybe different ones come.”
“I never thought of that!” said Mom with a smile. “I don’t know one sparrow from another, so there actually could be several little bird-witnesses.”
“Just like us,” Hazel said. “There are lots of people-witnesses too.” -Ruth I. Jay
How about you?
Are you a witness to your friends and family? Do they know Jesus loves them and has made a way for them to have eternal life with Him? We know firsthand what it means to have our sins forgiven and live a new life with Jesus. We need to be His witnesses so others can know Him too. In the Bible, Jesus calls Himself the Bread of Life because only He can satisfy our spiritual hunger. Be God’s witness by telling others about Him.
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