Daily Devotional for August 29, 2022
A Better Ride

Sebastian and his friend Carter looked around the playground on their first day in second grade. Carter pointed out two empty swings. “Hey! Let’s go swing!”
The boys ran toward the swings, and as they got closer, Sebastian saw that one swing was higher than the other. I want the high one, he thought. It’ll go a lot higher than the low one. So he ran as fast as he could and grabbed the higher swing.
As the boys pumped themselves higher and higher into the air, Sebastian looked at Carter and frowned. He’s going higher than I am, he thought, so he pumped harder. But no matter how hard Sebastian worked, he could see that Carter was getting a better swing ride than he was.
At dinner that evening, Sebastian told his family about his first day at school and the swing ride. “I thought the high swing would go higher than the lower one,” he said. “Why didn’t it?”
“Well, the lower swing has longer chains, so it can swing out farther,” Dad explained. “I don’t think it actually gives you a higher ride, but it does give you a longer one.” He smiled. “It didn’t pay to pick the one you thought was the best, did it?” Sebastian shook his head.
“That reminds me of a verse from the Bible,” Mom said. “It says that when we humble ourselves, the Lord will lift us up. That’s better than being lifted by the swings you and Carter used today.”
“How do we humble ourselves?” asked Sebastian.
“By putting Jesus and other people ahead of our own desires,” Mom explained. “Most people think they’ll be happy with the first, the best, the biggest, or the most things in life. But the Bible doesn’t teach that. It says true satisfaction comes only from Jesus.”
“Right,” said Dad. “And Jesus humbled Himself when He put us first by coming to earth and dying on the cross for us. When we follow His example and put Him and others first, God honors that and blesses us for it.”
“So to humble myself when Carter and I swing, I need to take the low sw—” Sebastian stopped and shook his head. “No. I need to let him have the low one because it works best and gives a better ride.”
-Sara L. Nelson
How about you?
Do you put others ahead of yourself? Or do you always grab the biggest cookie, race to be first in line, and insist on playing the game you prefer? That’s not how Jesus acted. He is God, yet He humbled Himself by becoming human and dying for our sins. Be humble like Him. God will lift you up by blessing your life as you put Him and others ahead of yourself.
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