Daily Devotional for January 12, 2021
A Baby’s Cry

Derin laughed and tickled harder as Moji’s baby sister giggled with delight. “Lola
is so cute!” she said.
“Yeah, yeah.” Moji yawned and rubbed a hand over her eyes. “I’m sick of everyone going on about how cute Lola is. They don’t hear her screaming the house down or have to deal with her dirty diapers. I’ll be glad when I can sleep uninterrupted again at night!”
“Okay, grumpy,” Derin said. “What’s going on with you? I thought you were excited to have a sister.”
“That was before I knew how annoying babies are,” Moji replied. “All she seems to do is eat and cry and—”
Just then, Lola scrunched up her face, and Moji swatted at the air. “Pew! Now you see what I have to deal with every day?”
Lola began to wail, and Moji’s mom hurried in to pick up the howling baby. “What’s the matter, honey?” she cooed. “You have big sis and cousin Derin right here.”
“She was fine just a minute ago,” said Derin. “Maybe she’s hungry now.”
“Please make her stop,” Moji muttered. “I can’t take any more noise today.”
“Derin, dear, could you please grab that Bible and read Psalm 8, verse 2?”
“Yes, Aunty.” Derin turned to the passage and read aloud. “‘From the mouths of children and babies come songs of praise to you. They sing of your power to silence your enemies who were seeking revenge.’ Wow! What does that mean?”
“It means that what we hear as ‘noise’ when babies cry is considered majestic praise in heaven,” said her aunt.
Moji frowned. “That doesn’t make sense. Babies don’t even know what music is.”
“I think I understand,” Derin said. “Our Sunday school teacher once taught about how human life is miraculous, especially when you understand how babies are formed. So that means every sound they make points to God.”
“That’s exactly right,” Moji’s mom said, laying Lola back down in the crib. “Psalm 8 tells us all of creation sings God’s praises, including little babies. Even though Lola is too little to understand that Jesus died and rose again to save her from sin, her crying and laughing remind us that He created her and loves her—and us too.”
Moji pinched Lola’s cheek. “Go on, baby sis, declare God’s praises!” • Remi Oyedele
How about you?
Do you ever wonder if God is real? All of creation and the intricacy of the world around us point to Him. Listen to the sound of a baby’s cry and consider everything that needed to happen to make that sound possible. But God didn’t just create us—the Bible says He also loves us and sent His Son to save us. God is real, awesome, and majestic, and He loves you!
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