Down Gilead Lane, Season 7 | Episode 1


Season Description

The winds of change are sweeping through Coleraine and the Morrison family is right in the center of it all! Who will leave and who will make a complete turn-around? How will the Morrison kids react to all the changes? This great radio drama will present you with truths from God’s Word written for today’s families. Hear about prayer, trust, and grace from people using godly wisdom for direction.

Today’s Story

There’s an orphanage in need after a bad fire in the jungles of Peru! Missionaries Robert and Tracy need a lot of money in just a few weeks or they’ll lose their orphans to the government. Back in Coleraine, Michael Morrison has the wild idea of putting on a play to raise money, but a playwright Michael is NOT!  Once he reveals his opus to the rest of the family, dad has to make the tough call of canceling the
play—and giving the money back to the people who’ve already bought tickets!!

 How about you…

Have you ever had a great idea for doing something good to serve God, but then were disappointed when it didn’t work out just the way you had planned?

 Check this out…

In the eighth chapter of Romans, in the New Testament of the Bible, we read this verse: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

If you listened to today’s episode, you know that things DID work together for the orphanage, and God DID use Michael to help. And in the process, God changed Michael’s heart too. The next time you find yourself frustrated because things just aren’t going the way you had planned, stop and ask God what He wants to happen—in the circumstances, AND in your own heart.