Down Gilead Lane, Holiday Specials | Episode 6


Season Description

Looking for more stories Down Gilead Lane? Need some faithful entertainment to listen to on a holiday road trip? Then join the Morrison family on these holiday special episodes!

Today’s Story

It’s Thanksgiving Day, so the Morrison’s are in for a long ride to Grandma’s house. But when a terrible storm turns the roads into ice, everyone in the car gets hot under the collar.

Because of his endless singing and horrible holiday-themed humor, everyone’s picking on Timmy, until he warms the family up to what they forgot to be most thankful about.

HOW ABOUT YOU… Can you be thankful even in a “bad” situation?


For everything God created is good and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.
2 Timothy 4:4

It’s easy to get caught up in being thankful for the good things in our lives, like our favorite toys and stuff. Be learning recognize that everything you have – comes from God – that’s tough.

Even our struggles can be considered gifts from God. Maybe you’re thinking, “What? How can my struggles be a gift?”

God allows us to work through heartaches and pain because it brings us closer to Him as we seek relief. And ultimately that’s the best thing for us!

Accept all that you have with thanksgiving – even the bad stuff – and remember to love and thank God who gives it to you.