Down Gilead Lane, Season 1 | Episode 3


Season Description

There’s something strange happening on Gilead Lane. A mysterious new neighbor has everyone talking! But what’s the real story behind the rumors? It’s the town’s biggest mystery and the Morrison kids want to know the truth about that CRAZY GRACE. From the first episode – you’ll get to know the Morrisons! They’re a family trying to live by God’s Eternal Word, while dealing with life’s everyday challenges. You’ll be there when Brooke stresses out about her first day in high school – or when Michael tries to be nice to the meanest girl in school. How does God help them through it all? That’s what you’ll discover – DOWN GILEAD LANE. 

Today’s Story

In the last episode, Michael was struggling over his friendship with Maya the Meanie. "Try a little kindness," Mom and Dad said!

So…he does. What he gets for it is a lot more grief and a possible failing grade on his science experiment! It happens in class, when Maya—in a total fit—demolishes Michael and Anna's experiment.

But who takes the blame? Michael does! But, through all this bad stuff comes the opportunity to do the ultimate good.


Would you take the blame for someone else's rage?


Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Romans 12:21

It doesn't get any clearer than that! Whether it's in school or in your neighborhood, there's always somebody who seems to enjoy making other people miserable. Even when they're at their meanest, God asks you to answer them with goodness.

Here's what you can do: remember that God loves them, too! Pray for His love to heal them of their bitterness and that they would come to know His love.

Try to get to know them—find out why they're so angry. No matter how bad they are, never answer evil with evil.