Down Gilead Lane, Season 7 | Episode 10
Season Description
The winds of change are sweeping through Coleraine and the Morrison family is right in the center of it all! Who will leave and who will make a complete turn-around? How will the Morrison kids react to all the changes? This great radio drama will present you with truths from God’s Word written for today’s families. Hear about prayer, trust, and grace from people using godly wisdom for direction.
Today’s Story
The Morrison girls’ weekend adventure continues when (after a few bumps in the road) they finally make it to Grove City. Haley is learning some important concepts on purity. When the whole special weekend culminates with an unusual ceremony for Haley, what will she have learned? What decisions will she make? And what’s the deal with that mysterious letter?
How about you…
What comes to your mind when you think of the word “purity”? Cleanliness, abstinence, innocence, a gold ring? Those can certainly all be a part of it, but what does the word ultimately mean?
Check this out…
Of course, the word has to do with a lot more than just our bodies and how we behave with members of the opposite sex. Purity also refers to our minds and hearts. And it means perfection. It’s closely connected with the idea of holiness. As you maybe have heard, there’s only one person who has ever walked the earth to live a perfect life—Jesus Christ. Because of Him, we can achieve purity. How? Well, take a look at this verse from the first chapter of the book of Colossians:
yet He has now reconciled you in His fleshly body through death, in order to present you before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach.
See, it’s all Jesus. It’s not because of anything we have done that we can be called pure. Why does Jesus do this? Well, back-up a few verses in the same chapter, and look at this:
He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything.
It’s the Heavenly Father’s good pleasure to make Jesus first in everything. Will you give Him first place in your heart, and receive His purity for yourself today?
To learn more about what it means to make Jesus first in your life, go to "Have You Heard the Good News?"