Down Gilead Lane, Season 12 | Episode 10


Season Description

Since we first heard from the Morrison family on a quiet road in a small town, we’ve come a long way. Kids have grown up, graduated, and moved away from home. New members have joined the family. This season , find out who’s behind Peace of Heaven, how Monica Richter can get herself out of the mess she’s in, and what significant life choices are made. Find out what happens when the pieces of the puzzle ultimately fall into place in Coleraine.

Today’s Story

The Richter family finally heads home after their driving adventure, but not everything is in order quite yet. Will Monica Richter finally turn to Christ when her obstacles get too big to handle?

How About You?

Do you have problems in your life that are out of control? Do you know the One who can help you out?

Check This Out…

In the beginning, God created a wonderful, perfect world where humanity, the environment, culture and God all lived in perfect unity. (Genesis 1:26-30)

But even though everything was created good and perfect, the people God created decided to take matters in to their own hands and brought sin into the world (Genesis 3:1-19). This affected humans, the environment, culture, and our relationship with God.

We can now die, and creation and culture is groaning to be released from suffering (Romans 8:21). Worst of all, the harmony with God we had in the Garden of Eden was thrown off.

God loved us too much, however, to let us stay in our broken state. So he sent his Son, Jesus, to pay the debt for the sins we committed, and to defeat the power of death through his death on the cross. If we choose to put our trust in Christ, our relationship with God, culture, the environment, and one another is restored (Colossians 2:13-15).

Because of this restoration, we can bring healing to our world and those who do not know Jesus. We become agents in his Kingdom Revolution to bring hope, healing, and forgiveness to the world (2 Corinthians 5:18-20).

The great news is that the world will fully be made new someday when Jesus returns. Our world will not be permanently damaged (Isaiah 65:17-25, Revelation 21:1-7). But we can’t just sit by and wait for it to happen, God wants to use us today.