Down Gilead Lane, Holiday Specials | Episode 14
Season Description
Looking for more stories Down Gilead Lane? Need some faithful entertainment to listen to on a holiday road trip? Then join the Morrison family on these holiday special episodes!
Today’s Story
It’s a very different Easter this year for the Morrisons. With Justin gone and Mary still struggling, the rest of the family begins to wonder if things will ever be the same.
But then healing comes in the form of a weekend guest. How will this unlikely visitor break through Mary’s pain when no one else could?
How about you…
Have you ever experienced God’s healing and love from an unlikely source?
Check this out…
In the Bible, there’s a really cool story of how God used a little servant girl to help a great man find the healing and, ultimately, faith in God that he needed.
In II Kings chapter 5 we find that Naaman was the commander of the armies of a country called “Aram”. He was very successful and popular, but he had a problem: leprosy—which was a pretty yucky skin disease back in those days.
Now Naaman’s wife had an Israelite slave girl who had faith in God and came up with this idea in verse 3:
"If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy."
Now, at first, Naaman didn’t think much of this idea. First of all, it came from a kid, second, it came from a slave, and third, he didn’t believe in her God.
But he was pretty desperate, so he went to talk to his boss (the King) about it and eventually ended up taking the trip to Samaria to meet Elisha (the prophet the slave girl had told him about).
After some disagreement at first about the best way to do a miracle, Naaman finally agreed to do what Elisha told him to do, and here’s what happened:
So he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, as the man of God had told him, and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy.
Then Naaman and all his attendants went back to the man of God. He stood before him and said, "Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel.
So, the next time you think you can’t really be used by God because your just a kid or just a WHATEVER, think of Naaman’s slave girl. AND the next time you feel a need for God’s healing and love, try looking for it in the unlikely places!