Down Gilead Lane, Season 3 | Episode 5


Season Description

In this season, Maya’s new faith is challenged as her family tries so hard to keep her away from the Morrisons and Grace. *Note to parents: The episode “Beauty and the Beast Within” deals with the issue of pornography. Please preview before giving it to your children.

Today’s Story

Maya really wants to share her new faith with Tiffany—but every time she tries, it BLOWS UP in her face! So when Tiffany calls Maya and her friends a bunch of "Bible freaks"-Maya gets angrier than ever!

Mom's had enough with the bickering and puts both of them on cleaning duty. And, when Maya tries one more time to explain what God means in her life—she ends up with a mop bucket dumped on her head! ("Uh…Towel please!")


Are you ready to share the Love of Jesus Christ with those around you? It's not always easy, but God WILL give you the strength to do it!


But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.
I Peter 3:15-16

Sometimes it's so hard to be nice to someone who drives you NUTS—but it's SO important! Even when you think "I've had it!!!" Remember, God is bigger than our rage. When we do our best to show His love to others, He'll give us ALL the strength we need.