Down Gilead Lane, Season 6 | Episode 7
Season Description
When a new star quarterback comes to town, the Richters feel threatened. What they don’t see coming is an unlikely friendship that turns the threat into answered prayer.
Today’s Story
Ever since his leading the Cougars to the state championship, everybody in Coleraine loves Caleb Richter…except Caleb!
But when Caleb tries to sabotage his new “nice guy” image, the Morrisons and Mr. Taylor don’t exactly react the way he expected. They actually return his bad behavior with love and forgiveness!
How About You…
Have you ever been mistreated or sinned against? How did you respond?
Check This Out…
Matthew chapter 5 verse 7 says,
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
One Bible dictionary defines mercy this way: “The divine goodness exercised towards the wretched and the guilty, in harmony with truth and justice.” And it goes on to say, “The soul that has truly experienced the mercy of God will be merciful like him (Luke 6:36), compassionate to the wretched (Psalms 41:1,2), and forgiving towards all (Matthew 5:7 18:33).”
When you think about showing forgiveness to someone who doesn’t deserve it, or mercy, does it seem impossible? It may help if you try to remember that God, the one who is perfect and who has never done anything wrong, showed mercy to us when He sent his son, Jesus to pay the penalty for our sins!
You and I are all undeserving of forgiveness, but because of Jesus, it is available to us just by asking Him for it. To find out more about the gift of mercy, check out "Have You Heard the Good News?".