Down Gilead Lane, Season 11 | Episode 6


Season Description

With the growing presence of the Peace of Heaven group in Coleraine, lots of new people are moving to town. Some citizens are excited about the promised growth, but others are skeptical. It seems everybody is taking sides! What will become of the idyllic little town of Coleraine- especially Gilead Lane? Will the Morrisons be stretched to their limits? And are the Richters in over their heads? This season contains the answers to these questions and more! It’s Season Eleven of the hit family radio drama, Down Gilead Lane.

Today’s Story

Finding himself in the middle of a bad situation at work, Justin Morrison is faced with a tough decision of doing what is right. Through the magic of story that can only be expanded through the radio, Justin finds himself in the middle of an undercover adventure that he will not soon forget.

How about you?

Have you ever been in a situation where doing what was right was harder than just “going with the flow”?

Check this out…

This adventure parallels a real-life biblical story of Rahab, taken from Joshua 2.

It says in this passage that there were two spies sent out by Israel’s leader, Joshua. Joshua told the spies that they needed to look over the land that was promised to them by God—especially Jericho.

The problem was that the land that included Jericho was owned by some of the enemies of the people of Israel. It was very dangerous for them to go and spy on the people there.

So when the spies arrived, they took shelter in the home of one of the locals named Rahab. She was sympathetic to the cause of the spies. Even when people came looking for them, Rahab stood up against her people and didn’t reveal their hiding place. This was very dangerous for her to do, and she could have died as a result.

But instead of cowering in fear, Rahab simply asked the spies if they would spare her life when Israel took over. Because of Rahab’s dedication to what was right, her life was spared and she even ended up in the lineage of Jesus Christ.

Isn’t that cool? Rahab didn’t know even know that either of those things would happen. She simply acted on what she knew was right even when it was hard. In the same way, we need to stand up for what we know is right, even when the cost is high.

So what are some practical things we can do? Is there someone in your school that no one is kind to? Why not talk to them, even if it makes you look “stupid”? Does it mean you will get a worse grade on your test if you don’t cheat? Stick to it. God sees what you do and will reward you for your honesty—maybe not in this life, but definitely in the life to come.

So let’s be bold in doing what is right and do like God commanded Joshua in Joshua 1:9:

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."