Down Gilead Lane, Season 3 | Episode 2


Season Description

In this season, Maya’s new faith is challenged as her family tries so hard to keep her away from the Morrisons and Grace. *Note to parents: The episode “Beauty and the Beast Within” deals with the issue of pornography. Please preview before giving it to your children.

Today’s Story

What do you get when add a Laughing Kookaburra and a Piping Plover together? Michael and Maya's bird project! They'll have the best project in the WHOLE class with their highly scientific bird sound effects collection.

But on presentation day, the recordings are nowhere to be found—and Michael's NOT looking forward to telling Maya! It's not until Michael starts impersonating bird sounds in front of class that Maya figures it out—and FLIPS out!


Do you explode in anger, like Maya—or do you hold it deep inside? Neither is the right way.


Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body. In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.
Ephesians 4:25-26)

Anger is a TOUGH thing to control-but the Bible says that if you don't take control of your anger, it will control YOU! If you ask God, He'll help you to have that control.

Sometimes we need wisdom from God to know what things to accept, and what things to try to change. And when we need to speak up, He'll help us to speak the truth in love—NOT anger.