Down Gilead Lane, Season 8 | Episode 12


Season Description

When things seem to be spinning out of your control, it can be hard to remember that God always has a plan-and we can trust Him no matter what! An important lesson the Morrisons will learn in this exciting season! If you don’t want to miss a thing with DGL–don’t forget to listen to the Special episode, “The Hope that Heals”. You’ll find a great new addition to the Morrison family!

Today’s Story

It’s been a day of surprises for the Morrisons!

First, John and Mary find out Justin overheard a conversation that has him convinced he ruined the election for John, then they find out the election may not be going as they thought it would.

And a conversation with Uncle Tommy puts into motion a solution for Justin that nobody had expected! More tough choices and critical decisions for the Morrisons—how will it all end up?

How about you…

How do you do with surprises? Not like surprise birthday parties; like events in life that you weren’t planning for, and didn’t really want.

Check this out…

In this life, surprises come. It’s just a fact. Sometimes the surprises are good—like birthdays—and sometimes not so good—like a friend moving away or when parents get divorced. The Bible calls this second kind of surprises “trouble”. The book of Job has this to say on the subject:

Yet man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward.

In other words, we can’t escape it. If we live this life, we will have to face trouble. But there is good news about trouble too! Just look at the hope the writer of Psalm 9 has to offer on the subject of trouble:

He will judge the world in righteousness; he will govern the peoples with justice. The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.

The answer for trouble is not to run from it, or try to avoid it, but to remember that God is in control and He is our refuge (or safe place) in those times when trouble comes. He wants us to trust Him and run to Him, and when we do, He promises He will NEVER forsake us!