Down Gilead Lane, Season 10 | Episode 6


Season Description

Been left wondering what happened to Mr. Key’s house? Who’s moving in? And who are all those new people in town? This is where you’ll find out the answers to all of those questions and more! It’s Season Ten of the hit family radio drama, Down Gilead Lane. This season is packed with extended scenes and lots of great adventure from your favorite town and your favorite characters.

Today’s Story

As we pick up where we left off with the Morrisons in Pittsburgh, Hope is faced with the prospect of meeting her biological uncle. But Hope just wants to go back home.

Unfortunately, things aren’t always that easy and Hope is about to make some very big decisions. How do you fix a cracked foundation?

How about you…

Have you ever felt like there are things about you that just can’t be fixed?

Check this out…

The truth is there are things about all of us that we can’t fix. That’s the whole problem. That’s why we need Jesus. If we didn’t have any problems, then why did Jesus have to come? The Bible says:

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

That’s Romans 3:23 and basically what it means is that on our own, there is no way we could ever please God. But the great news is that once we know that is our reality, we have access to the one who can help us with that. Jesus Himself said:

It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.

If you are feeling like you are a mess, you’re broken and can’t be fixed—be thankful—Jesus came just for you. He wants to offer you the healing and putting together of the mess that you need!

All you need to do is believe that He can do it and wants to do it. Accept His love and let Him fix what’s broken!

If you want to learn more about what it means to accept Jesus's love, check out