Down Gilead Lane, Season 6 | Episode 5


Season Description

When a new star quarterback comes to town, the Richters feel threatened. What they don’t see coming is an unlikely friendship that turns the threat into answered prayer.

Today’s Story

It’s high school football playoff season, and the star quarterback Anthony Donnor has an injury! As backup quarterback, Caleb Richter is really feeling the pressure to come through—especially from his parents!

Tiffany is scrambling more than ever to ride the wave of popularity this could be for her. But what seems like adversity becomes an opportunity for Anthony to share his faith with Caleb!

How about you…

Do you know someone that doesn’t know Jesus? Have you wanted to witness to them but haven’t had the courage to do it?

Check this out...

Joab, in the Old Testament book called First Chronicles, had this to say to his troops before they went up against a mighty opponent,

Be strong and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The Lord will do what is good in his sight.

A lot of people feel afraid and embarrassed when they first try to witness to someone about Jesus. But God never sends us into battle alone, expecting us to win others over to Christ all by ourselves. He’s on our side!

He calls us to be brave and to trust Him to do what He knows is good. That means we might not win the BIG GAME every time—but let us be brave in sharing our faith with others.