Down Gilead Lane, Season 10 | Episode 4
Season Description
Been left wondering what happened to Mr. Key’s house? Who’s moving in? And who are all those new people in town? This is where you’ll find out the answers to all of those questions and more! It’s Season Ten of the hit family radio drama, Down Gilead Lane. This season is packed with extended scenes and lots of great adventure from your favorite town and your favorite characters.
Today’s Story
Brooke is making a very special trip to Mexico for a service project. But her roommate, Marcy, doesn’t feel the same way that Brooke does about the opportunity… And when Marcy ends up in danger because of her bad choices, it’s up to Brooke to figure out what a real friend is.
How about you…
Have you ever had trouble knowing the difference between being a “tattle” and being a good friend when a person is making bad choices? Do you have any friends that want you to 'help' them by not telling on them?
Check this out…
If you're hiding something in order to try to be a friend, it might be doing more harm than good. Pray about it and ask God to help you have the courage to do the right thing. Talk to your parents or a teacher and get their advice.
The main thing is, if you’re not comfortable keeping a secret, that’s not a burden you should have to bear alone. But make sure you talk about your feelings with the friend you’re concerned about too. Remember the words of Proverbs 27 verses 5 and 6:
Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.
In other words, even though it may hurt, even though it may feel like wounds; if the rebuke is justified and necessary, and comes from a heart of caring and love, it will be better than the superficial and selfish kinds of demonstrations that an enemy would show.
When trying to be a true friend to someone who is making bad choices, pray for humility and a soft heart, then speak the truth in love!