Down Gilead Lane, Season 7 | Episode 5
Season Description
The winds of change are sweeping through Coleraine and the Morrison family is right in the center of it all! Who will leave and who will make a complete turn-around? How will the Morrison kids react to all the changes? This great radio drama will present you with truths from God’s Word written for today’s families. Hear about prayer, trust, and grace from people using godly wisdom for direction.
Today’s Story
Haley Morrison realizes how much she misses her sister Brooke who is still on her missions trip, but finds a new friend in Maya. But Michael is suddenly jealous of this new friendship? When misunderstandings and false assumptions erupt, what will they do?
How about you…
What do you do when there’s a misunderstanding between you and a friend or sister or brother?
Check this out…
The apostle named Paul wrote a letter to a church (we call it the book of Ephesians) where there were a lot of misunderstandings and just plain anger between the members. Here’s what he had to say to them:
"In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.”
Why do you think he said that part about giving the devil a foothold? What does anger toward someone else have to do with the devil? Well, as Christians, unity is one of our greatest strengths--and the devil knows that! So, the next time you find yourself angry at another Christian, remember that's what our enemy wants, and go MAKE IT RIGHT!