Down Gilead Lane, Season 11 | Episode 9


Season Description

With the growing presence of the Peace of Heaven group in Coleraine, lots of new people are moving to town. Some citizens are excited about the promised growth, but others are skeptical. It seems everybody is taking sides! What will become of the idyllic little town of Coleraine- especially Gilead Lane? Will the Morrisons be stretched to their limits? And are the Richters in over their heads? This season contains the answers to these questions and more! It’s Season Eleven of the hit family radio drama, Down Gilead Lane.

Today’s Story

Janet Grey has received a mysterious package from an unknown source. She learns the truth about what Monica Richter has been doing recently. Being a reporter, Janet should tell the town of Coleraine what’s been going on.

Haley Morrison needs to decide how to answer when people ask for opinions. Does she tell the truth or does she lie to prevent feelings being hurt.

How About You?

Have you ever needed to tell the truth even when you thought it might hurt someone or got someone else in trouble?

Check This Out…

Speaking the truth is always the right thing to do.

When we are honest with each other and gently tell things that others need to hear, we are loving them. When Jesus was on earth, he told people things they didn’t want to hear. But he told them those things because he loved them.

In Ephesians 4, Paul the writer talks about how everyone needs to stick together. He compares how all Christians work together to how the human body works together. He calls Jesus Christ the head of the body and he says,

From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

So how do we support, help and love each other? In Ephesians 4, Paul has a great top ten list of reminders:

1. Be completely humble and gentle. (verse 2)

2. Be patient, bearing with one another in love. (verse 2) “Bearing with” means to not get frustrated.

3. Make effort to keep the peace. (verse 3)

4. Find your work of service so that you can build others up. (verse 12)

5. Don’t just listen to anybody, but keep Christ up front. (verse 13)

6. Speak the truth in love. (verse 15)

7. Don’t lie, but speak truthfully to your neighbor. (verse 25)

8. When you are angry, don’t sin. Get rid of your anger as soon as possible. (verse 26)

9. Don’t bad mouth other people, but only say things that encourage and help others. (verse 29)

10. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. (verse 32)