Fit For Heaven

Child: Hey, don't go away. It's time to read Keys for Kids.
Uncle Charlie: You better believe it. It's time to read Keys for Kids. I'm Uncle Charlie. But listen, I know you always like a little bright music. So let's listen to our cousins sing all about one door and only one.
Child: I am the door. I am the door. Buy me if any men enter in. He shall. He shall be saved. He shall be saved. He shall be saved.
I am the door. The words are but for millions are in, but there's room for more. The doors open wide. Come right inside and thou shalt be saved.
Uncle Charlie: Our scripture today is from the very last book of the Bible, chapter 21, Revelation 21. Reading just two verses, verses one and four. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth. For the first heaven and the first earth were passed away, and there was no more sea. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. And there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying. Neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away. Our story is called Fit for Heaven.
Tammy looked intently at her Bible Club teacher, and she listened closely as Mrs. Brown described heaven. Mrs. Brown told of a beautiful city of gold with pearl gates. She told of a pure river, clear as crystal, and of a special tree of life. Best of all, she told how there would be no pain in heaven and no crying.
Heaven is so beautiful and wonderful that God cannot allow any sin to spoil it. Mrs. Brown was saying he wants us to live in that beautiful place someday. But no sin may enter there. Oh, dear, thought Tammy. Then I won't be allowed to enter. She thought of the mean thing she had said to her friend just that day. And she knew she was a sinner even before she heard Mrs. Brown say so. The Bible tells us that all have sinned, explained her teacher. Now what is sin? It's lying, stealing, disobeying, being mean to others, and even thinking in a mean way about others. It's all the wrong things we do. Mrs. Brown smiled broadly as she continued, but God sent Jesus to pay for our sins. When Jesus died on the cross, he took the punishment for every bad thing that you have ever done. Then he rose from the grave and he now lives in heaven. He can take away your sin and make it possible for you to go to heaven, too. Tammy listened eagerly as Mrs. Brown quoted John 1:12. But as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons or children of God. She paused and then added, if you'll receive Jesus into your life, he'll make you his child so that you may live in heaven someday.
When Mrs. Brown asked the children to bow their heads, Tammy twisted her hands in her lap. If you believe that Jesus paid for your sins, ask him to save you right now, said Mrs. Brown. Just tell him you're coming to him the best you know how and that you know you're a sinner and that you want to receive him into your life. Would you like to do that right now? Oh, yes. Tammy sighed softly. I would like to do that. And she did. How about you? Do you want to live in heaven someday? Do you know you are a sinner? Only Jesus can remove your sin and make you fit for heaven. Receive him now. Our key phrase for today is sin can't enter heaven. Thanks for taking time for Keys for Kids. If you'd like a whole book full of stories like I just read, write to me and I'll send you the current Keys for Kids. Write to keys for Kids, PO Box 1001, Grand Rapids, Michigan. That's Keys for Kids, PO Box 1001, grand rapids, Michigan. Our zip is 49508. Ask for Keys for Kids and join us again soon when we'll be back to read another Keys for Kids, a presentation of the Children's Bible Hour.