Afraid of the Dark

Child: Hey, don't go away. It's time to read Keys for Kids.
Uncle Charlie: Hi, Uncle Charlie here. And it is time to read Keys for Kids. And we'll have our scripture and our story right after we take a train ride. Y'all ready? Get on board.
Child: Oh, I'm traveling on the hallelujah line on the good old gospel I am on the right track and never will go back to the station of sin again I need no fair I'm riding on a vest Tis the blood for sinners slain I am traveling on the hallelujah line on the good old gospel train oh, I'm traveling on the hallelujah line on the good old gospel train I am on the right track and never will go back to the station of sin again I need no fair I'm riding on a pass Tis the blood for sinners slain I am traveling on the hallelujah line on the good old gospel train.
Uncle Charlie: Did you enjoy your train ride? Well, let's read our scripture. Isaiah 41. Reading just one verse. Verse 10. Fear thou not, for I am with thee. Be not dismayed, for I am thy God. I will strengthen thee. Yea, I will help thee. Yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Cindy was very much afraid of the dark and of being alone. Her brother Dave would lock her out of the house or play other tricks on her to make her scared. He thought, she's gotta get over being afraid. And she will if I tease her about it. Well, Cindy's father was wise. He asked Dave if he was afraid of anything. Nothing. Well, hornets, I guess, dave answered. Then Father continued, do you think you'll get over your fears if someone sends hornets at you until you stop screaming?
No. But, dad, hornets can hurt you and the dark can't hurt you. Dave defended himself, then assure Cindy that the dark won't hurt her. Don't terrify her. Real courage comes from God. When we are in real danger, we must trust God to take care of us. He will help us face it.
Not only was Cindy's father wise, but God had given wisdom to her mother too. As Cindy's mother tucked her in bed, Cindy asked, after you turn out the light, will you stay in here for a little while? Yes, I will. Don't worry, Mother answered. Ten minutes after the light was turned out, Cindy's mother asked, are you asleep? No. Are you afraid? No. Why not? Because you're here. You couldn't see me in the dark, so how did you know I was here? You said you would stay, and I knew you would, explained Cindy. You know, Cindy said, mother, you accepted Jesus as your savior. And he said not to be afraid because he will never leave you. He doesn't lie. Even when we cannot see him, we can believe him. We can know that he is with us.
How about you? Do you trust God to take care of you? Oh, there are so many, many verses in the Bible that tell us not to be afraid, that we can read a new one every day of the year. Learn some of these verses and believe them. When you start being afraid. The first part of the verse we read earlier says, fear thou not, for I am with thee. Be not dismayed, for I am thy God. Hey, that's a great verse to remember this day. And here's a key phrase for you to remember all through God is with you.
You've been listening to Keys for Kids. If you'd like a whole book of stories like I've been reading, just write and ask me. For Keys for Kids. Write to PO Box 1001, Grand Rapids, Michigan. The zip is 49508. Keys for Kids is a presentation of the Children's Bible Hour. Goodbye now. God bless.