Children’s Bible Hour: Uncle Charlie Vander Meer

The history of Keys for Kids Ministries/Children’s Bible Hour and the personal history of Charlie Vander Meer run along parallel lines. Children’s Bible Hour began broadcasting in November 1942. About a year later, when he was nine years old, Charlie was picked out of a studio audience by then host, “Uncle Mel Johnson” to participate in a live broadcast of Children’s Bible Hour. From there he went on to a regular spot in the program, reading from “Charlie’s Scrapbook,” reciting poems, helping in the dramatized stories, and often serving as “junior emcee.”

At 17, Charlie left the program for four years of college study, graduating in 1956 with a major in radio and television production. Immediately, he joined the staff of Children’s Bible Hour and in 1959 was named Assistant Director. He worked closely with “Aunt Bertha” Shooks until her retirement in 1972, when he assumed the directorship of the ministry and host of the radio programs.

Known as “Uncle Charlie” to boys and girls around the world, he was part of a ministry that is currently aired on 1000 broadcast outlets, translators, and satellites in all 50 states and in many foreign countries.

In March 1999, Charlie stepped down as Executive Director and served in the capacity of Ambassador-at-large. He continued as the voice for the daily Keys for Kids 4 ½ minute six-day-a-week program, and the daily/weekly program called “Storytime,” as well as re-runs of the classic Children’s Bible Hour broadcasts until the beginning of 2016. Each of these three programs are heard on more than 200 radio outlets. 

Charlie and his wife Bette have three grown children, eight grandchildren, and six great grandchildren. He acquired a “Grandpa puppet,” which he used for senior-citizen events. But first, and foremost, Charlie believed that Jesus meant what He said in Mark 10:14: “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them…”

Uncle Charlie wrote this message to encourage anyone visiting our website:

Thanks for joining me on our website. Our ministry has been in operation for more than 80 years! And all the changes that have come in 70 years are almost unbelievable! For instance, when I was born waaay back in 1934, there was no television, no computers, no freeways, and no websites!! In fact, I was born the year before plastic was invented! Ouch! That hurts!

But the GOOD NEWS is that the same God Who was there 80 years ago, is the same God that directs our lives today. And…His offer of salvation from sin, and a home in heaven is just as good today as it was back then. He is the God Who never changes.

Lots of people think they can get to heaven by their good works, by going to church, and being kind to others. Those are great things, but they don’t do anything to get us to heaven. Jesus said in John 14:6: “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father (God) but by Me.” Now my question is: what are YOU trusting in to get to heaven? If you have any doubts about this, check out “Have You Heard the Good News?”.

Oh…and have your folks check out the help for parents we offer. God bless you!

Your Friend in Jesus,

Uncle Charlie-Phil 1:6 (my life verse)

On Friday, February 22, 2019, Uncle Charlie (Charlie Vander Meer) went to be with his Lord and Savior. “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know,” were the final words Charlie uttered to Keys for Kids President Greg Yoder, who spent time with him just before he was promoted to Glory. Though it was hard for Charlie to breathe, in his final moments he wanted everyone to know the “who” he was talking about was Jesus Christ. He said, “I trust Him today just like I did when I was six years old. Knowing Jesus as your personal Savior is the most important thing.”