Children’s Bible Hour: Aunt Bea

In 1947, Children’s Bible Hour needed an office manager. Harry Trover said, “I have a sister in Canton, Ohio who is an excellent business woman and would make a great office manager.” And so it was that Bertha Trover Shooks came from Canton with husband Ernie and daughter Beverly. She would prove to be a very important addition to the staff.

In 1948, the ministry began falling on hard times. Finances were low, and many of the radio stations which were airing the program (all of which required payment for airtime) were dropped. By the end of the year, the ministry was down to five stations and over $30,000 in debt.

The Board of Directors met to talk about the possibility of dissolving the ministry. It was difficult to find anyone who wanted to be the director; no one wanted to go down with the sinking ship. Bertha Shooks offered to “take the job ‘til you can get another director.” She had never spoken on the radio, and really didn’t have a radio voice. But, Aunt Bertha became the ministry’s third director in January of 1949, and it soon became evident that God had His hand on this lady as she began to rebuild the ministry.

“Aunt Bea” instituted many new things for the ministry. One of the first things she launched was a TV ministry, which is quite an accomplishment since TV was in its infancy. She started a newsletter called “Cheery Chats and Challenges,” and she started taking the choir to churches to do programs. Before he was “Uncle” Charlie, future director Charlie Vander Meer often went along as a “poem and scripture reader,” but never as a singer!

Aunt Bertha retired in 1972 at which time Charlie (who had been Assistant Director since 1959) took charge. By this time the programs were on over 700 radio stations worldwide. She went to be with her Lord in August of 1980 and we’re sure she heard from her Savior the words “Well done, good and faithful servant.”